Looking for charging electric car?

Looking for a Charging electric car?

You are at the right place, here we will say you about the car charging you could use which type of charger, how much voltage must be car charged in, the car charging garage, and many more precautions to be taken we will discuss all about that. There are so many ways to charge your car let look at those below:- 
Looking for charging electric car?

Charge your car with charger or at home or at public stations 
First of all we will look about the types of charger we need to charge our car. In market their are so many chargers fast charging slow charging china charger, original company made charger. 
So, If you charging your car at home then 120volt Car charger is fine for slowly charging at home. As our home electricity socket outlet ar almost 100v to 120v so in that we can charger from this type of charger at home only. These type or charger are called level1 charger and  you can find this charging easily at every where outside, you don't need to hesitate for finding charging points here and their. It is cheapest way of charging as it take only minimal cost of electricity and it usually takes around 16 to 20 hours to charge and empty battery.
Other is 240v charging, it's called Level 2 charging it almost cut the half of time than of level 1 takes. Level 2 charging are fast charging systems and very hard to find this type of charging station and has different standards from level 1 outlet. It almost get full empty battery charged in around 8 hours approx. You can also installed this type of charging at home by talking with your electrician. Its the best solution when you go for a ride outside or you can charger faster at home. It has a high cost of this type of charging in compared to level 1. 
The next is level in charging called level 3 it's super fast charging with 240v of charging. Some charging stations offer this type of charging. They have very big charging machines which takes only 30 minutes to charge and full empty battery. This is also called as quickest way of charging your car. But not available at all stations due to its high machine cost. 
Looking for charging electric car?

You can also get installed level 2 and level 3 charging at your home itself as per your requirement. Level 2 charging charger cost around $500 to $700 and other $1000 you should consider for installation so the total cost would be around $1500 for level 2 charger and for lever 3 charging sockets which charge your car at 480v and normally costs around $1200 to $1400 and other $1000 to $1200 for installation so total costs would be around $2200 to $2400 for level 3 super fast charging.
The other best way to charge your car is public charging stations which are free and paid both. You need to find it on map in your mobile through apps like chargemap or google map you can easily find a public charging station.
Some of different companies provide services for charging car with super fast power at paid charges. They offer a display in that you can swipe up or debit or credit card and recharge your car at any of their centers. 

Can we car with 120v can be plug into 240v charging socket

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