Fear in the car for your autonomy In less than 1 month
Fear in the car for your autonomy
Fear in the car is a problem I was lucky to never suffer from. It happened to me that I felt a little anxious about this, but this diffuse anxiety never lasted. At the very least, I have never conceived such a handicap that I was unable to take the wheel. Or let me drive. Even get on my motorbike On the other hand, I was very surprised - the first days of my therapeutic consultations - to note the increasing number of people victims of fear in the car. Many people who contact me about their anxiety in the car all experience the same symptoms.
Whether they drive or are a passenger - or passenger - fear in the car is based on symptoms much more complicated than they appear. Driving, or being driven, means not only moving from one point to another but also investing in this movement This means that no displacement is insignificant. Each trip, by car, train, plane, induces a change. Even provisional. Which tells the person concerned to adapt to the change It, therefore, appears that fear in an airplane, fear in a train, fear in a boat, fear on two wheels, all come under the same problem and the same emotional mechanism, just like fear in the car.
The objectives to be met, in a social, economic, or professional context, are a cause of fear in the car. Which moves in anguish in the car from the moment or self-confidence and resistance to change collide The purpose of this article is therefore to explain these mechanisms to you. And how to deal with fear in the car. And to ensure the best treatment for driving anxiety.
Symptoms of fear in the car
I remember a man in his fifties. The very calm man very reasoned. Recently, he underwent triple coronary bypass surgery. This medical problem invited him to have an even finer lifestyle than the one he had before this surgery. He hasn't smoked for years. A senior executive, he has been driving for years because of his business activities. He supervises sales representatives throughout France.
For some time, he realizes his inability to drive on expressways (departmental, national, motorway). He can only drive with difficulty in the city. It avoids all major highways. And tells me to try to avoid driving on the Paris ring road. He prefers to go from town to town This considerably increases his travel times. But it's the only avoidance behavior he finds to avoid his fear in the car. He consults me because it begins to cause him more and more problems in his life. Both personally and professionally.
Fear in the car: behavioral symptoms
• Projective fear at the mere thought of driving • Move back as far as possible the moment when he will be forced to drive • Thinks a lot about all the traffic lanes that they want to avoid out of fear • Is permanently preoccupied with his anxiety problem in the car • Spends a lot of time looking for solutions without succeeding • Spends a lot of energy to avoid any situation that requires him to travel by car
Fear in the car: An anthology of attempted solutions
It is especially common for these cars to fear problems to shift to other topics. Like public transport for example. In an industrial society like ours, the distances are getting longer. Both in terms of distance and time spent. We are forced to travel in a vehicle called a land motor vehicle.
To do without is to expose yourself to situations of sometimes significant discomfort. Or to equally significant energy and time losses. When it is not also exposing oneself to conflict situations with relatives or collaborators. For example, to avoid this type of inconvenience, my patient tries to delegate certain trips to others.
He appreciates being led by a third person Unfortunately for him, these people are not always available. Or don't always feel like driving. Which obliges him, either to postpone his trip or to find a different solution. Or even get behind the wheel. Therefore, to face his fear in the car.
This patient recognizes that contrary to his vision of things, he has sometimes manipulated certain people to avoid his fear in the car. He blames himself a lot but cannot do otherwise. While he is a responsible, honest, and scrupulous adult. He is very sad to come to what he sees as extremes.
Angry with him, he is sorry for being unable (Dixit) to face his fear in the car. To the point of not being able to lead his small children, even over short distances As we explore his problem, we come to find some particularly interesting things. Both about what can support his fear in the car, and his fear of driving.
Fear at the wheel: Warning, danger!
When you drive, it is agreed that you must act responsibly. This means that you are responsible for driving in the sense that you obey the Highway Code. As in the sense that you pay attention to others, people and vehicles, in a 360 ° radius If you are the victim of fear in the car, and therefore of certain anxiety or anxiety at the idea of the responsibility that is yours every time you make a decision, and all the more so when the lives of others are at risk.
The game, it's understandable that you're afraid of driving As proof, I want the sometimes very violent reactions that some drivers have at the slightest hitch. Or at the slightest misconduct of the other. Because let us remember: it is never his fault with oneself. It's always the other's fault!
Fear in the car: strong responsibility
The fear of being assaulted and held responsible for such an event can preemptively worry anyone who is afraid to drive. In fact, being responsible for an accident, even a minor one, requires accountability. That one is accountable for the event. This further increases any fear of driving.
This are all the symptoms for fear in the car we should take in to considerations for our family safety. We have our cars trust pilot service for make you aware of all the problems and provide you tips and tricks about all your car requirements.
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